Valley News and Directory

Valley News and Directory

We would love to connect with you in an ongoing way. By signing up below, we'll be able to keep in touch with you, and you'll be able to hear what's happening, be included in our church directory and better participate in the life of Valley. Please fill in as many fields as apply to you.

Tip: if applicable

Tip: Please add your children's names and ages if applicable

Consent to Share Information:

I hereby consent to the information provided above to be included in the Valley Presbyterian Church (VPC) Address book, on behalf of myself and or my family. I understand that this address book will be made available to members and regular attendees of VPC. I give permission for VPC to contact me from time to time via my preferred method of contact, to keep me updated about events, news, prayer points, rostering and any other announcement related to the ongoing ministry of VPC. I am over 18 years old.